

I was working on a list of excuses why i haven't been blogging:

vaca or lack of
dog hit by car
too humid
this upstairs guest bedrm/den/computer room too damn hot to be in
uninspired/ i got nothing
sad/depressed (what else is new - go take your prozac woman). do i have to add schizophrenia now too?

and then everytime i came to my blog to get to your blogs i'd see those rocks and think:
my blog is on the rocks
my marriage is on the rocks
my teenager hates me one minute and thinks i'm funny/kinda cool briefly(very occasionally).
i hate my job
our pets heads are falling off (from dumb & dumber) nevermind
so excuses and guilt aside i think the one word title of this alleged post sums it up pretty good.
Now i wonder how many hits i will get from search engines thinking i typed in a slightly different word.



This weeks theme: rocks



Subtitle: I've lost that loving feeling.

Since this has been looking like an abandoned blog of late, I thought I would offer some sort of explanation (excuse)- i never did figure out how to do those clever dash throughs.
Well, first there was the mulching - i finally broke down and had some delivered after it finally stopped raining for 40 days and 40 nites. I hate mulch - i hate paying for it and i hate spreading it! and i still haven't finished spreading it!
Then there was just the doldrums i seemed to be in - why?? lack of summer weather - haven't even been to the beach yet this year! And still no plans for my vacation which starts tomorrow afternoon. Tho i've already had us to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon and the Outer Banks in NC. When i found out it was 110 in Vegas and possibly Arizona too, not to mention the cost of the trip - i reconsidered. Then the 14 hr. drive to NC started weighing me down and the threat of more crazy weather in the East. So coming full circle in true RDL fashion we were back to our backyard- well the Cape - just a bit down the road a piece. Then came the brainstorm to finally get the wood floors refinished that are badly in need of it. I actually found a place that would rent to dog owners - it looked like a cute little beachy apt. over the garage in Wellfleet - a beautiful part of the Cape. The boys prefer mid cape and the resort place with pools and things to actually do. Just when we had settled on that plan, my dog got hit by a car(UPS truck) today! he's ok(scrapes) but suddenly the plan started unraveling. My brother-in-law finally got in touch and won't be available to dog sit the whole week. The weather appears to be continuing on it's non-summer like course so i am not disappointed at all that the plan fell thru. why pay $$ to stay at a place not as nice as mine(albeit the pool/resort atmosphere) in bad weather. So day/wkend trips it'll be then. Anybody got a place to rent?



This weeks theme: pink


Joke Friday

Two church members were going door to door, and
knocked on the door of a woman who was not happy to
see them. She told them in no uncertain terms that she
did not want to hear their message, and slammed the
door in their faces.

To her surprise, however, the door did not close and, in
fact, bounced back open. She tried again, really put her
back into it, and slammed the door again with the same
result -- the door bounced back open.

Convinced these rude young people were sticking their
foot in the door, she reared back to give it a slam that
would teach them a lesson, when one of them said,
"Ma'am, before you do that again you need to move your


Wordless Wednesday