
Cat got your tongue?


Tongue tied. What can I say?
Well the pressure is on now - dear FTS has sent folks my way and I'm feeling like i've been caught with my pants down,for lack of a better expression. Oh but as usual I can give you plenty of excuses why. I have been dealing with my mother-in-law, whom i really like, before you get me wrong. Actually i probably(really) get along better with her than I do my husband. She is 86 and really with it, fun to be around, funny and no problem at all - she even cleans my house. She lives alone in NJ and we've been trying to get her to move near one of her 4 kids for years. Her apartment situation is not good at all and she came up about a week ago to revisit an independent living place in our town and agreed to take the apt.; we even picked rug and wall colors, talked about celebrating, jumped up and down and then I come home from taking the boy to sunday school and she announces she's having second thoughts. So- many hours/phone call to the other siblings and we are still no closer to a resolution. As my mother would've said,"Que sera sera" - What will be, will be. That said, I must say it was a thrill to discover that I was FTS's Blog of the week. Thanks FTS and welcome anyone who stops by, I will try and be properly dressed next time you stop by.


Stew Magoo said...

You had me at "no pants"...


jules said...

FTS really SHOULD give a little more warning. At least you only got caught with your pants down, I got caught getting out of the shower!

Jona said...

FTS sent me ;o)

And good luck to your MIL and her decision :o)

Mary said...

Good luck with the MIL issue ... and a well deserved award!

Anonymous said...

FTS does have a way of catching people off guard! At least he didn't sneak into your kitchen and try to cook something for you!


rdl said...

Thanks to all the new faces for stopping by; enjoying my 15 min. of fame.

rdl said...

and of course glad to see the old faces too. :D

Anonymous said...

FTS sure does have a way of catching people unawares. Congratulations on being blog of the week.

Oh yeah, FTS sent me!

Patry Francis said...

Congrats, sister! And well-deserved (though of course, I'm prejudiced.)