This is precious!



Liquid said...

....Some where over the rainbow, a train whistles through.......

Oh so much to you for posting this, RDL!


Sky said...

i saw her doing this song on television and couldn't believe my ears! she is so adorable and such a talent!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I can't hear it because I couldn't shut the music player off :(
Isn't there a pause button somewhere on that thing?
Oh, and Southern Man was playing. Is there a more discordant song?

rdl said...

liquid- thought you'd like it.
sky- truly unbelievable
mare- see the square button on the left at the top - stops the music on the player, you can also click on any other song if you don't like the one that isk playing.

Liquid said...


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Came back and figured out the player for meself.
What a voice on that little girl. Clear as a bell!