
Sunday Sampler


Blog pick of the week: Lorna in wonderland ( I very much enjoy her wonderful wry humor).

Well, i'm off again on the great sofa/sectional hunt (wish me luck - i will need it!) -the ole champagne taste/beer budget thing. Can't imagine what it would be luck to just walk in and say i'll take that one." hey, but no thrill of the chase (who am i kidding- no headache). I want leather but afraid of this inexpensive Bicast leather that i'm considering- will it last??

Yippee!! I did it again!(3rd year running)! Nablopomo is over today - no more posting every day! - now i can just sit on my couch (if i get one).


Lorna said...

"Thank you", she said modestly.

Congrats on the momowrimonoto thing.