Been reading all the posts about the weather. Yes I thought today was the hottest of the year. Luke & I and Jackson(our dog) went to the beach and I actually got in the water almost all the way ( the water is frigid here in Mass.). We only had time for a quick swim because Jackson had his annual Vet appt. It turned out to be a rather traumatic and shocking one.
We were a few minutes late and upon arriving someone else was being brought in to the exam room. I sat down to wait patiently. The older woman working at the desk received a phone call and after was noticeably upset, teary. Since I was directly across from her I asked, are you ok? She proceeded to tell me that the phone call was from a woman saying she thought her dog was dead, that she had accidently left him in the car. She was bringing him there. The woman behind the desk said she know the dog, they were clients there.I asked if we should reschedule and they said no. My dog decided he had to go out, so I took him outside to the area they have out back so he could "go". Just as I was heading back in, this woman pulled in, jumped out of a rather large vehicle, dressed in just a bathing suit and ran screaming into the office. The vet assistant came out as well as the Vet and they proceeded to pull the very dead and stiff dog out of the back seat. Luckily Luke( who wanted to wait in the car - windows open) was absorbed in his Sports Illustrated and didn't see this (I made a quick call for my husband to pick Luke up cause I din't know how long things would take now and I didn't want him seeing or hearing this.) So I went back in past the hysterical woman screaming "I killed my dog". I stopped for a second but didn't say anything to comfort her, all I could think about was the dog. They brought me and my dog right into the exam room(where we all ruminated on the horrible event while he examined my dog). I asked if she was gonna be alright and they said someone was coming. Evidently she had left him in the car around 12 cause someone was coming over?? it was now 4!!! she had just realized.. where is the dog. But why the hell she left him in there even if for a minute I don't know. Rushing, forgetful, too much on her mind? The Vet said the dog had been dead for awhile, probably only lasted 20 min. in this heat! When we finished and went back out to the waiting area she was gone. They said she had left herself and drove home- in her state! All I could think was I hope she doesn't hurt anyone else.
9 years ago
Oh my god, what a terrible story!
That's horrible but if the woman had half a brain it would never have happened.
Why do people insist on leaving pets and children in a locked car in the heat? How many stories do they have to hear about before they realize this is not a good idea????????? It causes DEATH!!
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